Reputation Management services by Internet Removals

Discover Our Online Reputation Management (ORM) Services for Global Businesses and Individuals.


What is Reputation Management?

Reputation Management serves two crucial purposes:


It is a burgeoning subindustry within the Digital Marketing & SEO sector. GoDaddy Inc acknowledged Internet Removals as the trailblazer in the Content Removal industry within Reputation Management.


Since 2011, Internet Removals has pioneered the Reputation Management process, persisting till today.

Reputation Management aims to remove factually inaccurate, misleading, or harmful content from the internet. We also assist in monitoring and addressing new concerning content, providing valuable advice.

Choose Internet Removals, the leading online reputation management company for businesses and individuals worldwide.

Online Reputation Management on Common Platforms

Our expertise extends to a wide range of platforms across numerous countries, including:

  • Google Search (US, AU, UK, NZ, CA, IN, ID, SA, MY, HK)

  • Google Reviews
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Trustpilot

(amongst hundreds of others)

How can Internet Removals help with your Google, Facebook or general online presence using online reputation management?

Internet Removals is dedicated to supporting your Google, Facebook, and general online presence through effective online reputation management (ORM). With over 12 years of experience, we have honed a proven process for drafting, lodging, and managing content removal applications that have achieved remarkable success on numerous occasions, establishing us as industry leaders in both reputation and accomplishments.

To date, our process has achieved success on over 2,661,859 instances since 2022.

Additionally, we have invested significant time in developing a cutting-edge system that promptly identifies new digital mentions featuring negative sentiments, alerting you to them immediately.

In our efforts to assist our clients with ORM, we leverage various tools and services, including:

  1. DMCA Takedown Service: Our DMCA Takedown service safeguards the reputation and rights of our clients.
  2. Search Result Removal: Reputation Management often requires the elimination of negative, illegal, or offensive URLs from search results. Through our content removal application process, we have successfully removed over 2.6 million URLs from search engine results.
  3. Content Removal Applications: We specialize in drafting, submitting, and managing applications to remove unwarranted, false, misleading, or potentially illegal content from the internet. Over our 11-year tenure, this process has resulted in the removal of over 2.6 million URLs.
  4. Content Monitoring & Alerts: Our sophisticated content monitoring system accurately identifies and promptly alerts clients to digital mentions as they occur. Whether you are a private citizen concerned about your image, an influencer, celebrity, sports star, small business, or multinational corporation, our system caters to your needs.
  5. Digital Footprint Analysis: Our team of expert reputation analysts conducts comprehensive digital footprint analyses from the perspective of key stakeholders, diligently searching for any concerning or risky content. Once engaged, our team diligently documents any content that may pose a risk, providing a comprehensive report and recommendations to mitigate online risks associated with your digital footprint.

By partnering with Internet Removals, you can effectively manage your online presence, protect your reputation, and maintain control over your digital identity.

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    What is Online Reputation Management?

    Online reputation management (ORM) is the practice of monitoring and controlling an individual’s or a company’s online reputation. It involves tracking what is being said about a person or organization on the internet, and taking steps to mitigate any negative comments or reviews. ORM can include various strategies, such as monitoring social media and online reviews, responding to negative feedback, promoting positive content, and building a strong online presence.

    ORM is particularly important in today’s digital age, where information spreads quickly and widely through the internet. Negative comments or reviews can have a significant impact on an individual or company’s reputation, and can even lead to financial losses or a decline in business. By actively managing their online reputation, individuals and organizations can protect their brand image and ensure that their online presence accurately reflects their values and mission.

    The 4 main online reputation management channels are as follows:

    Paid Media

    In ORM, paid media refers to any online advertising or promotion that a company pays for to improve their online reputation. Paid media can include various strategies, such as Google PPC ads, social media advertising (Facebook, Instagram etc), display ads, and sponsored content.

    Paid media can be an effective way to promote positive content and push negative content down in search results. For example, if a company is facing negative reviews or articles in search results, they can use paid search advertising to promote positive content, such as testimonials or success stories, to appear at the top of search results. Similarly, Facebook and Instagram advertising can be used to promote positive content and engage with customers, while display ads and sponsored content can be used to build brand awareness and credibility.

    While paid media can be effective in managing online reputation, it should be used in conjunction with other ORM strategies, such as monitoring and responding to online reviews, creating high-quality content, and building a strong online presence.

    Earned Media

    In ORM, earned media refers to any online content or publicity that is generated through word-of-mouth or organic sharing, rather than through paid advertising. Examples of earned media can include positive reviews, social media mentions, shares, and reposts, as well as news articles or blog posts that mention or feature a company or individual.

    Earned media is highly valued in ORM because it is seen as more credible and trustworthy than paid media. Earned media is often the result of a company or individual’s positive reputation, high-quality content, and strong relationships with customers and followers.

    To generate earned media, companies need to create engaging and shareable content, actively engage with their customers and followers on social media, and provide exceptional customer service. By building a strong online presence and reputation, individuals and organizations can encourage their customers and followers to become brand ambassadors and share their positive experiences with others, generating valuable earned media.

    Shared Media

    In ORM, shared media refers to any online content or media that is shared or co-created by a company or individual with their customers or followers. Shared media can include user-generated content, such as social media posts, photos, and videos, as well as blogs, podcasts, and other types of content that are created in collaboration with customers or followers.

    Shared media is important in ORM because it helps to build a sense of community and engagement around a brand or individual. By sharing content and collaborating with their customers or followers, companies and individuals can create a more authentic and human connection with their audience, which can help to build trust and loyalty.

    To generate shared media, companies and individuals need to create content that is shareable and engaging, and actively encourage their customers and followers to participate in creating and sharing content. This can include running social media contests, asking for user-generated content, and collaborating with influencers or brand ambassadors. By creating a culture of sharing and collaboration, individuals and organizations can build a strong and positive online reputation.

    Owned Media

    In ORM, owned media refers to any online content or media that is created and controlled by a company or individual. Owned media can include a company’s website, blog, social media accounts, email newsletters, and any other online channels that they have full control over.

    Owned media is important in ORM because it provides a direct channel for companies and individuals to communicate with their audience and control the narrative around their brand or persona. By creating high-quality and engaging content on their owned media channels, individuals and organizations can establish their expertise, build trust and credibility with their audience, and shape the way they are perceived online.

    To leverage owned media in ORM, companies and individuals need to create a comprehensive content strategy that aligns with their brand values and messaging. This can include creating educational blog posts, producing informative videos, engaging with their audience on social media, and sending regular newsletters to subscribers. By consistently creating valuable content and engaging with their audience, individuals and organizations can build a strong and positive online reputation that reflects their brand identity.

    Why is Online Reputation Management so important to a business?

    Online reputation management (ORM) is critical to a business because it directly impacts how potential customers and partners perceive and engage with the company. Here are a few reasons why ORM is so important:

    Building trust and credibility: A positive online reputation can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers and partners. People are more likely to do business with a company that has a strong and positive online presence, and that has a track record of delivering quality products or services.

    Protecting brand image: Negative online reviews or comments can damage a company’s brand image and result in lost business. ORM helps to mitigate the impact of negative feedback by addressing customer concerns and promoting positive content.

    Attracting and retaining customers: A company with a strong and positive online reputation is more likely to attract and retain customers. ORM can help to create a loyal and engaged customer base, which can result in increased revenue and growth.

    Staying ahead of the competition: In today’s digital age, businesses need to be proactive in managing their online reputation in order to stay ahead of the competition. ORM can help a company to differentiate itself from competitors and establish a strong and unique brand identity.

    Overall, online reputation management is important to a business because it helps to establish trust and credibility with customers and partners, protect the brand image, attract and retain customers, and stay ahead of the competition.

    Monitoring mentions of your brand is key to maintaining a good online reputation

    If you don’t know what people are saying about your business or brand, then how do you know if you need online reputation management? Its of paramount importance to monitor what people are saying about your business, both positive and negative, as you are able to rectify any issues that your business may have, but also you are able to promote positive feedback to help grow your business.

    There are several ways you can monitor mentions of your brand online for ORM purposes:

    Google Alerts: Set up Google Alerts for your brand name and related keywords to receive email notifications when new content is published online.

    Social media monitoring: Use social media monitoring tools, such as Hootsuite, Sprout Social, or Mention, to track mentions of your brand on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

    Review sites: Monitor review sites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Google My Business for reviews and comments about your business.

    Online forums and discussion boards: Monitor relevant online forums and discussion boards for mentions of your brand or related keywords.

    Blog comments: Monitor comments on your blog and other blogs in your industry for mentions of your brand.

    Brand monitoring tools: Use brand monitoring tools and services, such as Internet Removals, to track mentions of your brand across multiple online channels, including social media, news sites, and blogs.

    By regularly monitoring mentions of your brand online, you can quickly respond to customer concerns, address negative feedback, and promote positive content to improve your online reputation.

    Why is managing my online reputation so important?

    Not managing your online reputation can have several negative impacts on your business, including:

    Loss of Credibility: Your online reputation is a reflection of your business’s credibility. If negative reviews or comments go unaddressed, potential customers may view your business as unreliable, unprofessional, or not trustworthy.

    Decreased Revenue: Negative reviews can lead to a decrease in revenue. Customers are less likely to purchase from a business with negative reviews or a poor reputation. This can result in a decrease in sales and revenue over time.

    Difficulty in Attracting New Customers: Prospective customers may search for reviews or information about your business online before making a purchase. Negative reviews or a poor reputation can deter potential customers from choosing your business over competitors.

    Harm to Brand Image: A damaged online reputation can harm your brand image and long-term success. This can result in a loss of customers, reduced brand loyalty, and difficulty in attracting new customers.

    Legal Issues: Negative comments or reviews may violate intellectual property laws, or include defamatory or false information about your business, which can lead to legal issues.

    Overall, managing your online reputation is crucial to the success and longevity of your business. It is important to monitor and respond to feedback and reviews, and take necessary steps to address any negative feedback or concerns.

    Do people really take notice of negative reviews and information about a business online though?

    According to a survey conducted by BrightLocal in 2021, 91% of consumers aged 18-34 trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations when considering a purchase. In addition, 87% of consumers aged 35-54 and 79% of consumers aged 55+ also trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

    These statistics indicate that a significant majority of consumers rely on online reviews when making purchasing decisions. Therefore, it is important for businesses to maintain a positive online reputation and manage their online reviews in order to attract and retain customers.

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    Importance of Online Reputation Management for Individuals

    In this digital age, Online Reputation Management (ORM) has evolved as a critical aspect that shapes and influences people’s perception of individuals, not only businesses, on the internet. With an ever-increasing number of digital platforms, every individual’s online presence and reputation are increasingly under the public eye.

    The importance of ORM for individuals lies in several critical areas

    Professional and Personal Opportunities: Today’s employers, business partners, or colleagues often resort to the internet to research an individual before making decisions related to job offers, partnerships, or promotions. Even personal relationships can be influenced by what people find about an individual online. Therefore, maintaining a positive online reputation can significantly impact career prospects and personal life, potentially opening doors to new opportunities and experiences. On the contrary, a tarnished online reputation can seriously impede these opportunities and even lead to damaging consequences.

    Personal Branding: ORM aids in creating and sustaining a personal brand that reflects the individual’s values, skills, achievements, and persona. This personal brand can contribute positively towards professional growth, networking opportunities, and personal relationships. Mismanaged or neglected online reputation can lead to a disjointed or negative personal brand, thus causing harm to the individual’s overall image.

    Privacy Protection: The digital world has unfortunately made it easier for personal information to be misused. ORM involves managing the visibility of personal information online, thus aiding in maintaining privacy and preventing potential misuse of information.

    Control Over Perception: ORM provides individuals with the control to manage how they are perceived by others online. Through active management of online reputation, individuals can ensure their best qualities and achievements are highlighted while any negative content or unfair criticisms are appropriately dealt with.

    Negative Impacts of Not Managing Your Online Reputation As An Individual

    Neglecting ORM can lead to several negative impacts:

    Loss of Opportunities: A tarnished online reputation can lead to loss of job offers, academic admissions, partnerships, or even personal relationships. People are increasingly relying on the internet to form perceptions about individuals, and negative information found online can easily deter them from establishing connections or offering opportunities.

    Privacy Risks: Without active ORM, personal information could be left exposed to the public, thereby increasing the risk of identity theft, cyber stalking, or other forms of cyber crimes.

    Increased Vulnerability: Lack of ORM can also increase vulnerability to cyberbullying, trolling, or online harassment.

    Long-lasting Negative Consequences: The internet rarely forgets. Once negative information about an individual is available online, it can be challenging to remove or suppress it. Such negative information can linger for years, causing long-lasting damage to the individual’s personal and professional reputation.

    Benefits of Using Online Reputation Management as an Individual

    Effectively managing online reputation has numerous benefits:

    Improved Image: By promoting positive content and reducing the visibility of negative content, ORM can help create a better image of an individual online.

    Better Privacy: ORM allows individuals to control what personal information is publicly accessible, thereby ensuring better privacy and safety online.

    Career Growth: A well-managed online reputation can attract recruiters or potential business partners, thus leading to more career opportunities.

    Personal Confidence: Knowing that your online reputation is secure can provide a certain level of confidence. It allows for more freedom in online interactions and reduces the fear of being negatively perceived.

    Pros and Cons of DIY Online Reputation Management vs. Using an ORM Company

    When it comes to managing online reputation, individuals can choose to do it themselves or hire a professional ORM company. Both approaches have their pros and cons.

    Doing it Yourself:


    • Control: You have complete control over your online presence. You can manage it exactly the way you want, ensuring it reflects your personality and values accurately.
    • Cost: DIY ORM is usually free unless you opt for premium tools or platforms.
    • Personal Touch: Your online reputation will be authentic and personal as you know your own story best.


    • Time Consuming: Monitoring and managing your online reputation is an ongoing process that can consume significant time, especially for those unfamiliar with the tools and techniques involved.
    • Complexity: The internet is vast, and tracking all mentions of your name or personal information across multiple platforms can be a daunting task.
    • Limited Expertise: While you may know your story best, you may not have the deep knowledge of SEO, digital marketing, and reputation management strategies that professionals in ORM companies possess.

    Using an ORM Company Like Internet Removals:


    • Expertise: ORM companies have the professional expertise, tools, and understanding of how different platforms work, leading to more effective ORM strategies.
    • Time-Saving: By outsourcing your ORM to a professional company, you can save significant time and effort.
    • Comprehensive Management: Professional ORM companies can provide a comprehensive approach to managing your online reputation. They will take care of all online data sources, such as social media platforms, blogs, forums, news websites, and more.


    • Cost: Hiring a professional ORM company can be expensive, depending on the level of service needed.
    • Lack of Personal Touch: While ORM companies have the technical knowledge, they may not fully understand your personal journey and nuances. This can potentially make your online presence feel less authentic or personal.
    • Dependency: Using an ORM company can make you dependent on their services. If you decide to switch companies or manage your ORM yourself in the future, it may lead to transition challenges.

    Online reputation management is a crucial aspect of an individual’s personal and professional life in the digital age. While managing your online reputation yourself offers control and authenticity, using an ORM like Internet Removals provides professional expertise and comprehensive management. Despite the associated costs, engaging an ORM company can be an effective solution for those lacking the time or knowledge to effectively manage their online reputation. Ultimately, the choice between DIY and professional ORM should be made based on an individual’s specific needs, capabilities, and resources.

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